6th week (20/11/2023-24/11/2023)


Reported the school by 9.00 am. and perform the line duty and then marked the attendence and participated in the morning prayer with teachers... I have class on  gravitation at 9A at 6th period .students could able to understand the concept easily through PPT... i conducted a surprise test on acid bases salts at 9C.


Reported the school by 8:45 a.m. and marked the attendence and participated in the prayer section with teachers.... Today I have period on  5th & 7th period at 8B &8C respectively. in the afternoon i had noon duty.Today.... Nice day....


 Reported the school by 8:45 a.m. and perform the morning duty and then marked attendence and participated in the morning prayer.... Today I didn't got any substitution period.... I had two hour class only...I had class at 9C on 2nd period and 8 B on 4th period...


Today we team physical science conducted a conscientization programme on the topic adolescence.... At 9 C    students shared their views and doubt to us... My colleague josmy accompanied me.It was a nice day for me.....


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