7th week (29/07/2024-31/07/2024)


3 days more....... Beginning of last week at school 🏫..... Today I reached the school by 8.45 am and done morning duty.Today I conducted my diagnostic test at 9E on 2dd period. Students were well prepared for the exams and they done it beautifully.3rd period also I got substitution duty there ...so during that period I asked them to write feedback and they wrote very nicely 😁.....I felt so much happy ❤️💕


One day more to say bye to this beautiful place 💕  Today reached school by 9 am and marked the attendance. Today I got  period there at 8L.I asked them to write feedback and they handed over it to me with so much of love and happiness......I am really grateful for this bunch of students 😄


Last day of phase -2 Teaching practice. A day with roller coaster emotions........ Beautiful journey with my dear friends through St.Mary''s HSS Pattom......It may not be the end of something but a fresh starting of a fruitful journey..... All thanks to beloved Principal, Headmistress, Teachers and finally my precious gems of 8L & 9E class ......I love you all ❤️ and will miss you ❤️


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