6TH week (18/07/2024-26/07/2024)


Reached school by 8.45 am. I marked attendence and attended the prayer. I kept myself busy by engaged in maximum  substitution hours.... I taught malayalam at 7 E on the ist period. Then i went to 7 P and taught some mathematical problems to them. Then i went to 9c. It was their physics period. I conducted a small physics test paper there. Actually they didn't score well. Then i went to noon duty. Then i went to canteen for tea.


As usual  reached school by 8.45 am and went for morning duty  . I got substitution on 4 th hour at 9 B1 alongwith my class on 9E at 3rd period. I taught total internal reflection to them  . then i got substitution at 8 u on 6 th period.  I left the school by 4 pm. Nice day...


As usual reached school by 8.45 am and marked attendance. I got substitution on 4 th period at 8L. I taught them the chapter motion. I could able to create a rapport with them even though it was my ist class there. Then i had substitution at 8 U on 6 th period.  Nice day.....


As usual reached school by 8.45 am and marked attendance. Today i had no classes. Today they had mid term physics exam conducted by the school. So i helped them to revise the whole chapter and helped them to solve the previous year question paper. afternonn we got exam duty so we helped lissy teacher to collect answer sheets from all classes . I was  little bit tensed about their physics exam. Actually the question paper was so easy. Many of the questions were same which we had discussed in the morning. I hope those who listen my revision class actively could able to write all answers. And i hope most of them may write it correctly. Hoping for the best.... Nice day.


ഇന്ന് കോളേജിൽ സ്പോർട്സ് ഡേ ആയിരുന്നു. സ്പോർട്സ് ഡേയുമായി അനുബന്ധിച്ച് മൂന്ന് ഗ്രൂപ്പുകൾ ആയി തിരിഞ്ഞ് പരേഡ്ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു. തുടർന്ന് മാർ ഇവാനിയസ് കോളേജ് ഗ്രൗണ്ടിൽ സ്പോർട്സ് മത്സരങ്ങൾക്കായി പോയി. ഞാൻ ഷോട്ട്പുട്ട് മത്സരത്തിൽ പങ്കെടുത്തു.ഓട്ടം മത്സരം,  ലോങ്ങ് ജമ്പ്  ജാവലിംഗ് ത്രോ തുടങ്ങി നിരവധി മത്സരങ്ങൾ സ്പോർട്സ് ഡേയുടെ ഭാഗമായി ഇന്ന് കോളേജിൽ സംഘടിപ്പിച്ചു. തുടർന്ന് 2 മണിയോടുകൂടി അറ്റൻഡൻസ് സൈൻ ചെയ്ത്കോളേജിൽനിന്നിറങ്ങി.ഇന്ന് വളരെ നല്ലൊരു ദിവസമായിരുന്നു.


I reached the school by 8.30 AM and then signed the attendance register at HM’s office. After that I had morning duty from 8.45 AM to 9.15.The day began with a prayer at 9.25 AM. In the 2nd hour I got substitution at 5N. I engaged the class by revising some math problems. The classes end by 3.25 PM and after the National Anthem I signed the attendance register at HM’s office and left the school by 4.15 PM.


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